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Our Most Memorable Framing Jobs

What a wonderful job we have as framers. People bring us not only their artwork but their memories to preserve and present. Over the years we have seen many interesting and different things. Unfortunately we didn't capture everything with a photo but we do remember the most unusual.

This is the front and back of a Pink Floyd souvenir. The album is nestled into a circle mat. It is cradled by acid free rag board so that it is allowed to float within its mat nest. The frame is a simple metal frame, not shown here. But the fun part is that there is a hinge on one rail of the frame to allow the owner to remove the piece and flip it around. You never know what side of an album you want to view!

All of these objects came from The Fredericksburg Hardware store. The article is about the closing of the store. This framing was very bittersweet.

Here are just a few examples of the cool things we have framed over the years:

  • A deer skin from around 1740 that had a map painted on it. The map was created as it's artist traveled around Virginia on horseback.

  • A hand crocheted doily and the pattern book that our customer's great aunt used to create it.

  • An old needlepoint project started when our customer was a baby. She found the project among her mothers things in an attic. She finished it and had it framed.

  • Subway maps from a customer's travels

  • A dog collar, police badge and dog's teeth from a police dog that lost his life in the line of duty.

  • A turkey, fresh from the taxidermist.

  • The quilt made by volunteers that hangs in the hospital.

  • Old show posters from "Country Joe and the Fish" and "Big Brother and the Holding Company" These were bands in the 60's.

  • John Lennon memorabilia

  • License plates

  • A firefighter's suit, including boots and gloves.

  • A circuit board - it represented the first one made by a local company.

  • A collection of antique doorknobs

  • A poppy from the Tower of London exhibition

  • Cuban street art

  • World War II Memorabilia

Frame Designs Gallery


 Tuesday ~ Friday, 10 to 5; Saturday 10 to 2

(other hours available by appointment)

CALL US:  (540) 371-0567

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Site Design Petite Taway

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